The holiday period over the festive season has come to an end and it is time for all our normal activities (school, work and playing chess of course) to resume. The Goodwood Chess club will be open tonight at 19:15.
Meeting Tuesdays @ 19:15 behind the Goodwood Library, c/o Voortrekker Road & Church Street. Entrance from Church Street through motorised gate diagonally opposite the church (secure parking!!!).
For more information, please feel free to email us.
Equal is not yet Drawn
In "Playing Drawn Endings", I noted some cases where grandmasters played on
in technically drawn endings. Sometimes a draw offer was made and refused.
It is still King Safety
While chess strategy is still undergoing a bit of a revolution (due to the
long term effects of computers, and the shorter term effect of Machine
Close, but no cigar
The woodpecker method is a carbon copy of the seven circles of madness.
We found out what works in the method and why, and what doesn't work and
why not...
*When Everything is in Place*
As active chess players, we appreciate a well-executed kingside attack. If
we are on the receiving side, not so much...
Holiday Season Six-Week Swiss Online
*Holiday Season Six-Week Swiss Online Register Online Now*
Date *Tuesday, November 19, 2024*
Event Format 6SS or Double Quad, 1 lichess game per ...
2024 Happy Mother's Day!
Hola! I'm still alive and kicking. But these days I'm spending most of
my time gardening, cutting the grass and trimming it, (a never-ending chore
Top Real Money Slots for Chess Lovers
As chess has grown in popularity in recent years, so too have the number of
online slot games aimed at chess lovers. These slots offer players the
Anticipation of Things Future
Fifteen years ago, when I started this blog, I called the first post
Remembrance of Things Past. It seems like an odd way to begin a chronicle
that literal...
Dante Beukes becomes an International Master!
The Champ IM Dante in the middle flanked by his Opponents and Parents The
AYCC 2019 was an event that most of Namibia were looking forward to. Many
Practical Rook Endgames 17: Cure a Vancura Amnesia
In the 1990 "Total Recall" starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, the main
character encounters a video recording of himself lifting the veil on his
amnesia, hi...
Best Tactics of 2017 Book
This new publication is a collection of nearly 500 best combinations played
by strong chess players in tournaments that took place in 2017. To see the
Back to Chess After Two Year Hiatus
I am back to chess after two years away. Not two years from blogging,
where my main work has moved to David Korn, Special Projects, where I focus
RIP Malcolm Pyke
I am so very upset this morning to have learnt of the untimely passing of
my friend Malcolm Pyke. We happen to be friends on Facebook, too, and over
the la...
Purity Maina Is An International Arbiter
*Purity Maina*
KCF would like to congratulate Purity Maina from Kenya who was awarded her
International Arbiter title during the FIDE Presidential Board ...
Openings and endings
*The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ, *
*Moves on*
- The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
I was looking for a theme for today's post, and nearly picked th...
My (Slighty Tattered) Chess Career
So going on seven weeks ago I was happy to report that Derek Slater was
back "And (Perhaps) Me Too" but there's been no follow-through, as such. A
few time...
Chess Olympiad Tromso records 474k EUR minus
Sjakk-OL (Chess Olympiad Tromso 2014) is in the final stages of summarizing
the accounts and reports before the company is closed by the end of
February. i...
Opening: Pawn Wall 4 - 117
New comic. Sorry for the delay - the computer is not working very well. It
still isn't doing so well but I got it limping along at least.
You can follo...
Turning Point Towards 1800
It was no April Fools joke about my 1800 rating. I left with one of my
typical time pressure train wreck positions. I'm wondering to myself, will
people ...
Some new chess rules passed by FIDE
You can read about it at Here are the first couple: At the
recent FIDE Congress, delegates from the 103 countries represented made
some rule cha...
Watch Brooklyn Castle Online
If you have yet to see the documentary Brooklyn Castle, now is your chance;
PBS is making it available to watch for free on their website until
November 6t...
Norths John Purdy Memorial
Last night, I popped into the North Sydney RSL club where they were having
the Norths CS Purdy Memorial competition (which runs for over 2 months).
I was t...
Chess improvement has a new home!
Hi all, I’ve decided to continue this website in a new place. I’ve it moved
to This new web address covers better the
Prédateur 2.2.1 "Bugfix" released
Because of constant pressure from Ruxy, Leo and Graham, and because the x32
version of Prédateur 2.2 was consistantly outplayed by Fernando Villega's
I am curious
I was sitting around the mansion and thinking about this blog. It has been
over a year since my last post. Does anyone actually read it? I don't get
any co...
Chess Books on Kindle
I am learning about the awesome resource of chess books on Kindle.
I think we all -- whether we like it or not -- have to accept the fact that
paper books ...
Belgium Championship, part two (rounds 4-6)
Because of my good start of 2.5 out of 3 i got to play on the seventh board
in round 4. My oponnent Van Vliet D. opted for the french defense against
my 1....
3rd New York International - Final Results
Grandmasters Jaan Ehlvest and P. Harikrishna won the 3rd New York
International, held at the Marshall Chess Club from June 18 to 22, 2010,
with a score of ...
Scacchi: Enciclopedia pratica dei Gambetti
Marco Saba's Scacchi: Enciclopedia pratica dei Gambetti is an interesting
resource, offering over 700 database generated opening reports for various
Manual for Chess Trainers now available to download
Training in general The School Chess Supervisor Syllabus Syllabus for the
Stoyko and Phaedrus combined
This afternoon I struggled with the position below. If you want you can use
it yourself as a Stoyko exercise. The position is taken from Khmelnitsky's
66 Days Later...
A few of you probably wonder, "What ever became of likesforests?"
- I have not studied any chess.
- My baby's doing well.
- I lost 45 lbs, but in...
What's the plan?
So what is the plan in this position? I worked hard to get a good bishop,
pawn structure, space and opponents passive pieces. Isn't a B vs N endgame
One Jump Ahead
Earlier this summer checkers had been solved. This was solved using what is
known as a "weak" solve. It was not a complete tablebase of all the
positions, ...